

  • 2023.08枸橼酸托法替布完成国内原料药登记

    Tofacitinib Citrate completed domestic API registration


  • 阿奇霉素荣获2022年南通市优秀科技创新成果

    Azithromycin won the 2022 Nantong Excellent Scientific and Technological Innovation Achievements

  • 盐酸达泊西汀通过国内GMP符合性检查

    Dapoxetine Hydrochloride Passed the domestic GMP compliance inspection

  • 2022.07硫酸阿巴卡韦CEP证书

    Abacavir Sulfate CEP Certificate

  • 2022.10化学原料药盐酸达泊西汀上市申请批准通知书

    Notification of Approval for Marketing Application of Dapoxetine Hydrochloride, a Chemical API

  • 2022.12硫酸阿巴卡韦原料药通过WHO的PQ认证

    Abacavir Sulfate API passed PQ Certification of WHO


  • 2021.01认定为南通市工业互联网融合创新试点示范

    Identified as Nantong Industrial Internet Integration Innovation Pilot Demonstration

  • 2021.08通过ISO9001,ISO14001,ISO45001再认证

    Passed the ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO45001 re-certification

  • 2021.11《阿奇霉素工艺优化项目》获得中国医药集团科技成果奖二等奖

    "Azithromycin Process Optimization Project" won the second prize of China Pharmaceutical Group Science and Technology Achievement Award

  • 2021.12阿奇霉素被认定为江苏省专精特新产品

    Azithromycin was identified as Jiangsu Special New Products


  • 2020公司更名为江苏威奇达药业有限公司

    Renamed Jiangsu Weiqida Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

  • 2020.12通过安全生产标准化二级评审

    Passed the second-level safety production standardization review


  • 2018.07通过ISO9001,ISO14001,ISO45001 认证

    Passed the ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO45001 certification

  • 2018.08齐多夫定WHO成功注册

    Zidovudine was successfully registered by WHO

  • 2018.10认定为省级企业技术中心

    Identified as provincial enterprise technology center

  • 2018.11通过高新技术企业再认证

    Passed the high-tech enterprise re-certification


  • 2017.04取得阿奇霉素药品批准文号

    Obtained Azithromycin Drug Approval Number

  • 2017.08通过俄罗斯GMP认证

    Passed the Russian GMP certification

  • 2017.08取得阿奇霉素GMP证书

    Obtained Azithromycin GMP Certificate

  • 2017.08阿奇霉素、L-α-甘油磷酰胆碱被认定为省级高新技术产品

    Azithromycin and L-α-Glycerophosphoryl Choline were identified as provincial high-tech products

  • 2017.11通过安全生产标准化二级评审

    Passed the second-level safety production standardization review

  • 2017.12取得阿奇霉素CEP证书

    Obtained the Azithromycin CEP Certificate

  • 2017.12阿奇霉素、齐多夫定通过USFDA现场审核

    Azithromycin and Zidovudine Passed the USFDA on-site inspection

  • 2017.12首次通过知识产权管理体系认证

    Passed the first-time intellectual property management system certification


  • 2016.02取得齐多夫定药品批准文号

    Obtained the Zidovudine Drug Approval Number

  • 2016.10齐多夫定GMP证书

    Zidovudine GMP Certificate

  • 2016.11江苏省工程技术研究中心

    Jiangsu Engineering Technology Research Center


  • 2015.08通过ANVISA GMP认证

    Passed the ANVISA GMP certification

  • 2015.10首次通过高新技术企业认证

    Passed the high-tech enterprise certification for the first time

  • 2015.12通过WHO PQ认证

    Passed the WHO PQ certification


  • 2014.07通过USFDA现场审核

    Passed the USFDA on-site inspection


  • 2010.2上海现代制药海门有限公司成立


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